Saturday, February 19, 2005

Sister to Sister!

This is a great email I got from a gal that found some great jadite in my shop. This is what it is all about, it is the Joy in the find, the FUN, and how exciting it is to find that special "something" for that special person, Like a SISTER!


Last night My sister and I got on Yahoo Messenger and as usual I was bossing her around and making her update her computer etc...
She is the mom of a 13 year old boy, works 12 hour shifts at a paper plant ( Half nights, half days). Has 4 beautiful Maltese dogs and is trying to get the courage up to divorce her husband. She is my only sister and my best friend. I tell you all this because after I bossed her around for an hour, she said this is the first time we have been online in almost 6 months and we can't even look at milk glass and jadeite.
So I typed in ruby lane, we looked till we about went to sleep. She kept saying I love those saucers, that can't mean 20 for all can it? So I had to convince her you had to be a member to get that price. So she wouldn't try to get them. God forgive me!!!
Then I wrote you.
I want you to know that your store made me and my sister really happy last night. We are 700 miles away from each other and haven't seen each other in over 2 years. This will make her screaming happy.

OH just a side note ~ you don't have to be a member to shop at my store! lol. Thanks for the GREAT email L!

Monday, February 07, 2005

What did Your Parents use the butter paddle for?

Remember when, years ago, that items weren't always used for what they were meant to be used for? Like the cream can I wrote about earlier, it was used many times for an extra chair for company, or in my home I have a 35 gallon redwing crock that doesn't make sauerkraut or dill pickles anymore, it is used instead to hold afghans in my living room for those chilly Kansas nights.

Lon, my husband, always tells the story of the butter paddle. Now a butter paddle should always be used to make butter, right? Raised in the sandhills of Nebraska, 23 miles from town, Lon, his sister and brother and of course the neighbor kids - who lived just down the road- could raise a little Cain ever once in awhile. One particular day, they must have raised more Cain than normal for Lon's Mom to get her dander up. It might have been the day they wove electrical wiring through the hammock, hooked it up to the battery and shocked his cousins and sister, or maybe it was safety pinning his little brother ( who was in those cute little footsie pajamas ) to the bed when saturday morning cartoons were on. Or maybe it was trying to fly off the barn with 2 pieces of tin attached to their arms -- they were sure that they could fly. Whatever the reason was, their Mom had had ENOUGH. OUT came the butter paddle, and their shiny rear-ends got a spanking with the working end of butter paddle & I'm sure that butter paddle stung a bit, don't you think??
The next day, they snuck that old ANTIQUE butter paddle out of their Mother's kitchen and dug a hole , I mean they dug a DEEP hole, and buried that Butter Paddle! It wasn't until the next time they were due a licking that she missed it, and then she was really upset, I think it was her Grandmas, by that time the kids couldn't remember where they had buried it.(So they Said!)
Antiques have had many different uses. -- What was your butter paddle used for?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Vintage Valentine Cards

Vintage Valentine Cards This was a wonderful place I came upon that has many pictures of vintage valentines. They are beautiful. -- You can click on Five4us
for some wonderful vintage cards to buy, or click on the above link to view some very special mechanical valentines, and honeycomb valentines. There are some Beautiful ones there, I wish I could see them in person!

Gifts of Vintage Valentines

This is the time of year we think about Love and our sweethearts. But years ago the giving of Valentines was a regular art form. It was a source of entertainment at that time around the late 1800's to early 1900's to collect and display a collection of postcards and trade cards in the parlor for your visitors to sit leafing through the album while they visited. The old ones were so special, such detail and vivid coloring Such as this one with the little lamb that is in my shop. Posted by Hello