Salt and Pepper Shakers come in so many shapes and sizes that they have become a fun and functional collectible!
They can be animals such as penguins as seen above in the famous Willie and Millie which were the mascot of KOOL cigarettes, or maybe cows, roosters, monkeys and whatever some artist of the Salinopeperophilia:(The love of salt and pepper shakers) decided to create. Here are some of the terms and types of Salt and Pepper shakers that are available.
- Anthropomorphic : Items like fruit that have human faces.
- Kissers: These are just what it says, shakers that appear to kiss.
- Huggers: Can be human or animal and they nest together in a hug.
- Go Togethers: They can be like a Car and a driver , a drunk and a jug, Stove and skillet.
- Stackers or Nesters: These are ones that fit atop each other, like the house shaker that I have online in my store.
- Long guys or longboys: they are very loooonnng shakers -- I had some dachsund dogs that were like that once.
- Hangers: they are the ones that have a solid base and then something hangs on it, like my monkeys on the tree.
- Souvenir Shakers: The ones that have the names of places or events on them.
- Figurals: Animals, houses, about anything that looks like something.
Just browsing, very interesting site.
lovely post :)
some of antiques are fantastic
Thanks really like your site. I have linked to yours.Best whishes lorainek.
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Wow, they look like something that the guy who created Wallace and Grommit would design!
Aren't they fun!! I love all the old salt and pepper shakers, they have such personality!
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